How it all started…..
You hear it so often: “Once you’ve been to The Gambia you think it’s great or you absolutely don’t like it”. We were already gripped by the “Gambia virus” after 1 holiday. We love the people who live there, fantastic, friendly people.
Of course we also saw the terrible poverty in which most people live and we decided not to put our head in the sand but to help where we could. Because of the close friendships, and yes also the less tight, that we have built up there, we have been able to help little by little. However, we continued to feel that we could and wanted to do more. We have put our plans on paper, sorted out things, informed where necessary. Because of the enthusiasm of everyone who provided us with the necessary information, we realized that it was possible to do more indeed.

And finally the time has come…..

After a long, thorough and intensive preparation, it was on Thursday, July 24, 2014 finally the time to sign the deed at the notary and the Goods for Gambia Foundation was a fact.
On 15 August 2014 we left for the Gambia to make the final stops. After all the paperwork was completed, the Constitution of St. Goods for Gambia (foundation) was finally signed on 28 August 2014 and we are registered as a charitable organization.
Where are we now?
In recent years we have been able to complete many beautiful projects thanks to all the people who also care about Gambia and to support their friends, acquaintances or family with packages they send with our containers.
The revenues of the packages ensure that we can not only pay the containers but also support hospitals in Gambia with large medical materials, equipment and consumables. We have already donated many m3 of school furniture, materials and computers to schools that really needed it. In addition to these “large” structural projects, we have also been able to help many incidental, fantastic projects.
Furthermore, we provide our 4 employees in Gambia with a monthly salary so that these families also have an income to make ends meet. It is always fantastic to be able to help, and the beauty of everything is: We do it together! Everyone who sends packages with our containers also contributes to all our many projects. How beautiful and grateful can it be?
We are very much looking forward to working with you to start many beautiful projects with the Goods for Gambia Foundation. We are happy to take this challenge with you!
On behalf of all board members, thank you very much for your support,
Board St. Goods for Gambia (NL)
Board St. Goods for Gambia (foundation) (Gambia)